GetResponse vs ConvertKit vs Aweber – Which One To Choose For Your Shopify Dropshipping Business?

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Which one among GetResponse, ConvertKit, and Aweber is best for your Shopify dropshipping business?

It’s a bit more complicated than it sounds to decide on a clear winner among them. The quick answer to this lies not in which one is the best email marketing tool in general. But instead, it lies in which of these top email marketing tools will work best for your particular Shopify dropshipping store.

I’ll ask you some questions and will provide answers that may help you determine which one is right for you and try to give a comprehensive look at the pros and cons of each email marketing software.


What is Your Current Knowledge and Experience in Email Marketing?

If you’re entirely new to email marketing and want your email campaigns to get started asap, then you should select this tool called Aweber. Right now, Aweber has a great email builder, and the overall dashboard is easier to navigate through.

However, if you have some experience or are ready to experiment a little bit more in your learning curve, then you should select GetResponse (get it here). Right now, I must tell you that GetResponse has all the tools you may need to grow your dropshipping business. But for some beginners, too many features can become overwhelming.

On the other hand, ConvertKit (try it here) is the most basic email marketing tool and could be perfect for a beginner dropshipper; the problem arises during the layout customizations. More on that here:

Do You Have any Experience in HTML and CSS Coding?

If you’ve no clue about HTML or CSS codings or if you’ve heard of them, but don’t know how actually to do any coding, then you should steer clear from ConvertKit.

This is because ConvertKit provides a really, really low number of templates. If you want to change anything in them, you’ll need to do some sort of HTML coding or CSS coding. And most of the time, you’ll want to make a few changes here and there in those templates to match your brand and business requirements.

On the contrary, Getresponse and Aweber email marketing software doesn’t require you to do any sort of coding. They already provide lots of beautiful layout templates for your emails.

What Email Marketing Features does Your Shopify Dropshipping Business Really Need?

This is an essential question to consider as it will directly affect your budget and mental comfort.

If you’re looking to go not too advanced in your email marketing campaigns, then ConvertKit and Aweber would be better options for you in terms of saving money.

Unlike GetResponse, both SaaS (software as a service) tools provide the subscriber tagging and segmenting features even in their cheapest payment plan.

This subscriber tagging and segmenting feature helps you put your email subscribers in different pockets based on what actions they’re taking and not taking on your emails. And then, you can send separate emails to each subscriber pocket to achieve higher email open rates, click rates, sales, etc.

However, suppose you want to use visual email workflows similar to the image below. In that case, your only options are GetResponse and ConvertKit, as Aweber doesn’t even provide this feature to you.


Now, you should know that ConvertKit software has a fundamental email workflow and hence, is only suited to beginner email markers. In contrast, the visual email workflows in GetResponse can be used by a dropshipper of any level.

GetResponse vs ConvertKit vs Aweber: Comparing Features

Let’s take a look at the features that all 3 of these email marketing service providers have to offer in a side-by-side chart so that comparing them can become a little easier for you.

Neither of these lists is a complete representation of all the features of these email marketing software. But you’ll get a clear idea of some of the exciting things that all 3 of these have to offer.


GetResponse Features

  • Unlimited Email Sequences
  • Best Visual Email Automations
  • Send Unlimited Emails
  • Time Travel And Perfect Timing
  • Email Split Testing
  • Spam Score To Ensure High Email Deliverability
  • Webinar Hosting
  • No Subscriber Segmenting In The Basic Plan
  • Ecommerce Tools
  • Team Management
  • CRM
  • Extra Enterprise Features
  • Integration With 150 Softwares
  • 5000 Stock Photos
  • 220 Email Templates
  • 40 Visual Automation Templates
  • Live Chat And Email Support
  • No Refunds
  • 30 Days FREE Trial

ConvertKit Features

  • Unlimited Email Sequences
  • Basic Visual Email Automations
  • Send Unlimited Emails
  • High Email Delivery Rate
  • Subscriber Tagging
  • Integration With 70+ Softwares
  • Live Chat And Email Support
  • FREE Migration From Other Email Marketing Service Providers
  • Free Lifetime Support
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • 14 Days FREE Trial

Aweber Features

  • Unlimited Email Sequences
  • No Visual Email Automations
  • Send Unlimited Emails
  • Highest Email Delivery Rate
  • Integration With Fewer Softwares
  • 6000+ Stock Photos
  • 700+ Email Templates
  • Call, Live Chat, And Email Support
  • FREE Lifetime Support
  • Refunds Vary From Case By Case Basis
  • 30 Days FREE Trial

Are These Email Marketing Service Providers Fit for All Store Sizes?

In general terms, all 3 of these email marketing service providers can handle your business operations regardless of your store’s size or the number of subscribers you have.

But if you really want to utilize your email subscribers list at its best, you will pretty soon feel like you’ve outgrown the features provided by ConvertKit and Aweber.

You would want to change your email marketing software at such a point, but it’s easier said than done.

Either you’ll have to pay a good amount of fee to your new email service provider to do the migration, or you’ll have to do the migration by yourself. In such a case, you’ll face a lot of hassle that you could have avoided by choosing the right email marketing solution from the beginning.

In this situation, the right software for you would be GetResponse.

However, if you’re sure you’ve no plans of going too deep into email marketing for your dropshipping store, then you should be okay with either of ConvertKit or Aweber.

PRICING: How Much Money Are You Willing to Invest in the Email Marketing for Your Dropshipping Business?

You can get GetResponse starting from $15 per month to up to $1199 per month, depending on the features you need and the size of your email subscribers list. However, you can claim an 18% discount and a 30% discount by paying on an annual and 2-year basis, respectively. Click here to learn more about the GetResponse pricing structure.

ConvertKit, on the other hand, can be subscribed at $29 per month for the first 1,000 subscribers, $49 per month for 1,000 to 3,000 subscribers, and $79 per month for $3,000 to 5,000 subscribers. However, you can get 2 months for FREE every year if you pay on an annual basis instead of a monthly basis.

And, If you already have even more subscribers, click here to calculate the exact pricing for yourself.

This is a relatively more straightforward pricing structure as compared to GetResponse.Aweber has 5 precise pricing levels starting from $19 per month for the first 500 subscribers to $149 per month for 10,001 to 25,000 subscribers.

And if you already have even more subscribers in your email list, you’ll have to manually ask them to give you an exact pricing quote for your email list size.

They also provide you an option to pay quarterly and on an annual basis, but they don’t show you the pricing unless you start your FREE trial there.

All 3 of these email marketing softwares let you have an unlimited number of email subscribers on your lists. Once you reach the plan’s subscriber limit, you’ll automatically be upgraded to the following payment plan in ConvertKit and Aweber.

However, in GetResponse, things are a bit different.

Here, you’ll be upgraded to the higher list level within your current payment plan. This means that if you’re on the Basic plan at 1,000 subscribers, then on getting the 1,001st subscriber, you’ll be upgraded to 2,500 subscriber level pricing within the Basic plan instead of upgrading to the Plus plan.

Regarding the mode of payments, all of these 3 email marketing services accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal. The only way to check if your particular card is accepted by them or not is by using your card on the checkout page.

NOTE: The above prices are not fixed and rather subject to change at any time, mostly during holidays and the festival season. So, make sure to click the links above to check the latest pricing for each of these 3 email marketing softwares.

Will You also use Live Webinars to Promote Your Shopify Store’s Products?

For those who don’t know… webinars are seminars that take place online instead of in a physical location. Usually, their length is from 30 minutes to 3 hours. And many businesses use webinars to generate a considerable amount of sales in a short period.

Although you must first register the attendees for your webinar, which could take a few days to get done. GetResponse is the only email marketing service provider that lets you simultaneously host live webinars in front of 100 to 500 attendees.

The other possible ways to host live webinars are , GoToWebinar, Google Hangouts, and YouTube Livestreams.

So, if webinars are something you’d see yourself using to generate sales for your dropshipping products, you’ll have to buy at least the Plus plan of the GetResponse subscription.

How Much do You Care for the Refunds Policy?

GetResponse is the biggest bummer here as it doesn’t provide any refunds, no matter your reason. I don’t care what their reason is behind this, but that’s not a good business practice, in my opinion.

Aweber email autoresponder comes in the middle here with the possibility of getting a refund. However, whether they’ll refund your payment or not varies on a case-by-case basis, mainly to avoid fraudulent customers.

ConvertKit completely outshines here as these guys provide you with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, you got 30 days to test and try this email marketing software for your Shopify store. And if you don’t like it, you’ll happily get your refund.

NOTE: Regardless of the refund policy, you can still cancel your subscription anytime. However, your account will remain active until the last day of your current billing duration. This means – if you cancel your monthly plan on the 2nd day, you can still use your account as usual until you reach the next billing month’s 1st day.

How Deep and Advanced are You Looking to Go in Your Email Marketing Campaigns?

If you want to remain on the surface of email marketing, then you shall choose ConvertKit or Aweber. Both will give you enough tools to run email campaigns for your dropshipping business smoothly.

But suppose you think that sooner or later down the dropshipping road, you’ll be using more advanced ways of email marketing to generate higher profits and a better connection with your email subscribers. In that case, you shall undoubtedly choose to use this GetResponse email marketing software.

Although GetResponse would give you some nightmare experiences in the beginning, soon enough, you’ll figure out your way around that.

Sometimes their customer support is excellent, but sometimes it sucks a lot. It’s a never-ending battle among the softwares. And you can’t do much about it. But luckily, they only suck at the things that are buggy on their end.

Although if the problem is occurring at your end, then GetResponse customer support will help you like champs.

Ease of Email Marketing Platform Usability

As I said in the beginning, you should select ConvertKit only if you know about HTML and CSS coding. But actually, you can use ConvertKit for your dropshipping business without any doubt as long as you’re not looking forward to customizing.

I would honestly say that ConvertKit is the easiest to use, given that you don’t want any customizations or multiple email templates.

Aweber comes in the middle of these 3 email marketing tools. Sometimes, I get confused in the dashboard, especially while looking for specific metrics in the reports. But it’s still great to use, especially when Aweber promises the highest email deliverability rates.

GetResponse, on the other hand, has lots of features to provide. Due to this, it can get overwhelming pretty fast.

But the biggest bummer is its email builder and the email templates, which are still in the 90s. It seems as if the GetResponse team was sleeping in hibernation for a decade or two. And now, when they woke up, they have started to work on launching a better email builder for the customer’s ease.

So, these are the few things you’ll need to compromise on if you need a fully-featured email marketing tool to grow your dropshipping business.

FINAL WORDS: Which Email Marketing Service Provider Should You Subscribe to for Your Shopify Dropshipping Business?

If you are a newbie and don’t want to handle too many hassles, then choose ConvertKit. (Try it here)

If you want some customization along with ease of software use, go with this Aweber email marketing software.

If you are looking to get the best bang for your money and want to run some advanced email marketing, hire teams, host live webinars, and a proper CRM, then you must select the GetResponse email service provider. (try this tool here)

Since both GetResponse and Aweber have 30 days FREE trial and ConvertKit also has a 14-day FREE trial, I would suggest trying them all out (if you feel like doing so) and personally experiencing them yourself. Doing this will let you decide which email marketing service provider is right for your dropshipping business.

My overall choice is going to GetResponse email autoresponder since it has the most features that an email marketing service can provide and is still the cheapest to afford. Of course, it’ll give you some learning curve and a few frustrating moments, but it’s still manageable, and this is what I’m using for my business.

If you haven’t done it yet, click here to start your Shopify store and start making some extra income for yourself.

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