Shopify Product Research Guide 2024 – Top 7 WORKING Methods For Beginners To Find Money-Making Dropshipping Products

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links in the form of text and images. If you click through them and make a purchase, I’ll earn a commission at no additional cost to you, which will support the blog.

I’m sure you will agree that the product is the most critical part of dropshipping. You must have heard that product is the star of your dropshipping business.

Hence, one of the biggest reasons most beginner dropshippers fail is because of advertising the wrong product.

In case you are curious, dropshipping means the business model in which a customer buys from you and then places the order for that product at a meager price. The dropshipper/manufacturer will then ship the product to your customer, and you will keep the profit after cutting the obvious business costs.

Most dropshippers prefer the  because of the extreme ease of use it provides to the users, even if they are absolute beginners in the dropship business. There are millions of videos on youtube on how to find products that will generate you over a hundred thousand dollars next month or so.

But still, most dropshippers are unable to nail it.


The primary reason is that everyone talks about different methods and has different opinions on them. The result is that the viewer gets extremely confused, obviously.


In this article, I am going to show you 7 proven methods with the help of which you will be able to find profitable dropshipping products within a few minutes.

And if you read till the end, I will also give you 2 essential bonuses which you don’t want to miss, especially if you are a beginner in the Shopify dropship business.

Although I suggest, you stick with only 1 or 2 methods that resonate with you the most. Otherwise, you will get highly overwhelmed and confused.

1. Facebook Search Box

Here, you have 2 ways to do the research:

  1. By the product/category
  2. By call-to-action keyword

Although you can do a simple search as well. But I suggest adding a as a filter because the engagement is good, but the link clicks are even better!


You can type, for example: “get yours here” +”” in the Facebook search box and go to the videos section. Filter the posts by the current month (or the last month in some situations) because you don’t want to test old or out-of-trend products.



To check which ad posts get how many link clicks, simply copy the link from that post, paste it in the URL search box along with a “+” sign at their end, and then press ‘enter’. For example


Now, the above example shows that this post and product got high engagement, but for some reason, it is not getting as many clicks now.

This means it is not a viable product for you to test (unless you have enough disposable money to give it a fair try).

UPDATE: This method doesn’t work anymore because Bitly has removed this feature to spy on other links. So, I suggest using this Google chrome extension instead of scraping the ads on your Facebook feed by using valuable filters. You still won’t be able to spy on links, but you’ll get an insight into which products are being actively advertised.

Keep reading to find out how you can find more ads and products that are actively being run by the same Facebook page you found using the above-mentioned Google chrome extension.

2. Following Instagram Pages

Follow lots and lots of Instagram pages in multiple niches, especially the meme pages. Meme pages are not targeted; hence, you will see so many types of products over there that you can test for sales.


Be sure to “Turn on post notification” on those pages (you can do this only once you follow them). Then just keep checking your Instagram feed to see if any of them has recently posted about a new dropshipping product.

HINT: Private meme pages are the real gold for product research.

Also, remember that it’s unnecessary to have the “meme” word in their page names. But you will know it’s a meme page by just looking at its content.

To find meme pages, you can start with a simple search with a related word like “memes”. Then ignore the first few results. Go a little down, open one of the pages, and check their viability through Social Blade and Phlanx. Then move on to the next page by clicking the “Blue Arrow” on the right side of the “Follow” button. (you won’t see that arrow on every page).


The other way is by doing a hashtag search and then going for the top few pages in “Top Results” as well as in “Most Recent”. After that, just follow the above-said pattern.


Once you find some products, find similar Instagram pages and negotiate a deal with them for cheap shoutouts.

Mostly, for 1 post of 12-24 hours long, the price is USD $1-3 per 10K followers of the page. Always try to lowball the price instead of accepting their first proposal. And if you can get them on a commission-per-sale basis, that would be the best!

Prefer using videos or slideshows in the shoutouts for better results.

3. ShopInspect

ShopInspect is the best tool in the market to help you do your dropshipping product research easily. Start your free trial here to see the full potential of this software.

Yes, it’s paid software, but it’s worth every penny!

For instance, this product research tool has an impressive ‘Smart Score’ feature which shows you which products are the best to test on your Shopify store.


It also has a ‘Seasonability Indicator’ feature that shows you the search trend for the inputted keyword in the last 2 years.

In this tool, you even get a list of some highly similar keyword terms that are being used by the general public to search for the same or similar products on the internet.

You can then use these extra keywords to dig deeper into your product research and find the ultimate promising product that may not even be tested by anyone.

Just imagine the profits you could reap from that significant advantage over others.

Click here to read my review on ShopInspect.

4. Amazon Marketplace

Now, you know how big the Amazon marketplace is. So, if something is selling hot there, you need to test it asap!

For this method, just search “Amazon movers and shakers” on google to see the respective link.

Amazon movers and shakers is a section where you can see the latest trending items on the Amazon site.

Amazon Movers And Shakers


you can do this with any of the 5 available sections you see in the image above:

  1. Best Sellers
  2. New Releases
  3. Movers & Shakers
  4. Most Wished For
  5. Gift Ideas


You know everyone loves to buy a gift for their loved ones. Mostly gift-giving doesn’t need a special day for it. However, it is at its highest during quarter 4 and even till valentines day.

But this doesn’t mean you should ignore this during the rest of the days. Because birthdays and dates come every day for one person or the other.

This is what you do there:

In each of those 5 sections, there are dozens of categories, in which there are even further dozens of subcategories.

Keep going down in them and start checking the trends for each product that catches your eye. The products you believe won’t be readily available offline. The products you think might be available only on Aliexpress.

To check their current trend, go to the Google Trends website.

There I suggest you look at the trend since 2004 (that’s the maximum time limit of the Google Trends website) because this will give you the most accurate view of the product trends.


To use the site:

Put your search term in the search box, filter it by united states (unless you are looking to sell it somewhere else, then put that country), 2004 – present, and by ‘shopping’ in the category section.

See in the above image how I did the filters.

If you then see an increasing trend during your current date, then it is a good product to test.

5. Aliexpress Website

First, I should clarify the difference between Alibaba and Aliexpress to you.

Alibaba: You can get wholesale products, and you will mostly have to order in bulk from here. Alibaba’s website is used mainly for private labeling. You can use it for dropshipping, but only when your product tests are showing positive results because you don’t want to stock, which may or may not get sold from next week. (R.I.P. Fidget spinner stockholders).

Aliexpress: This is what you will use to source and dropship your products to the customers. From Aliexpress, you can ship even a single product to the customer, i.e., you don’t need to order in bulk.


“Home & Improvement” is one of the best niches to go in. But whatever niche you want, just start going into all of them one by one and sort them by orders. Go through the first 5 pages and shortlist some promising products.

Criteria to Shortlist These Products are:

  1. The number of orders
  2. The number of reviews
  3. Do they have high-quality pictures?
  4. You should be able to think of some targetable audiences.

If the number of orders is way too high as compared to the number of reviews (as you can see for these products in the image above), then it means that the product is being dropshipped heavily. The more significant the gap, the more difficult that product could be to advertise.

However, you can still test them if you want or have the budget.

On the contrary:

If the number of orders is near the number of reviews, then it means regular consumers are buying it, and the drop shippers either haven’t found it yet, or they might not have dominated the product completely. So, you still got the chance!

Pro Tip: You should also look through the “Best Match” and “Newest” categories, as you might find some hidden winners.

6. Website

This site shows the details of sites through their I.P. addresses, I guess.

Anyways, just search the Shopify’s I.P. address in it. To do that, fill the 2 pink boxes number by number from the image below after opening this website page.

Or you can click here and then save the link as a bookmark in your internet browser for future ease of use.

You will then see an extensive list of all the Shopify stores worldwide.

NOTE: Until you buy their paid pain, you can only see up to 50 pages (need not be in any order) per day. So, to see the 51st page (not page 51), you must click it on the 2nd day.


Just go through all these Shopify stores one by one. You will notice so many dropshipping websites there (not every site listed there is a dropshipping site).



After opening each website, use the free Similar Web Google Chrome extension to check if that dropshipping site is getting sufficient traffic to validate that they are a successful store.

If they have recently started gaining momentum, it is inevitable that they recently found a winning product that you can quickly pinpoint on their website.

If it is a successful store… if it is getting consistent high traffic, even a few hundred thousand each month, then use the free Commerce Inspector Chrome extension to check their recently added products.


You can easily compete on those products because that site probably hasn’t started advertising them.

And even if they did, still it’s not too late for you to test them.

Also, go to their bestsellers page by clicking the “Bestselling” button that you can see in the above image.

Pro Tip: Make sure to also go through their Facebook page and check if they are running any ads currently. If they are, you can create similar ads for yourself to increase your chances of selling that product.

How to Check the Active Ads on a Facebook Page?

STEP 1: After opening the target Facebook page, click on the ‘See More’ link in front of ‘Page Transparency’ as shown in the below image.


STEP 2: In the opened popup window, click ‘Go to Ad Library’ as shown in the image below.


STEP 3: On the now-opened page, filter the results by your target country. See the image below.

Note: If a Facebook page is not showing ads in a country, then the page may come empty. In such a case, just select another country to see if it is running Facebook ads over there.


However, this might not happen every time because many drop shippers use separate niche pages for advertising their products on Facebook.

7. Thieve.Co

Now, it is a perfect place to find the latest Aliexpress products that are most loved and upvoted by consumers.


Install the free Google Chrome Extension here by Thieve.Co and start surfing it.

Just go through the lists daily to find new products and test whichever you find as eye-catching or has high upvotes.

Whenever you see a number in red color on the thieve Chrome extension, it means that some new products have been recently added to their list. So, just click it to see them.

How to be Double Sure of the Promising Products?

This is the most crucial part of this whole process!

With this step, you will be able to see if the product is actually trending upwards on Aliexpress in terms of sales.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click here to Login to your Aliexpress account.
  2. Go to My Aliexpress
  3. Go to Dropship Center
  4. Go to Product Analysis
  5. There, paste the URL of your product from Aliexpress and hit the “Search” button.
  6. Now, you will see the trend for that product and the number of sales that have been happening daily for the last 7 days.

Based on this, you can decide whether to test this product or not.

Remember: Not every product will work on Facebook ads. Some products perform better on Instagram influencer posts. So you’ll need to analyze and decide on a more suitable platform between the 2 for testing that product.

ShopInspect - Horizontal Banner

Final Verdict

If you are serious about dropshipping business and need to make a difference in your lifestyle, then you must do proper product research.

As I said in the beginning, you may want to prefer only 1-3 methods from this list; otherwise, you will get so overwhelmed that you might end up quitting the idea of dropshipping altogether.

I know It sounds crazy, but that’s the truth.


If you haven’t even started dropshipping yet and want my suggestion. Then I would suggest:

Step 1: Click here to download my Hyper Extensive Shopify dropshipping checklist.

Step 2:  For Shopify and set it up correctly.

Step 3: Get your ShopInspect Trial Here

Step 4:for the Getresponse email autoresponder and integrate it into your Shopify (Mailchimp is no more available for Shopify).

Step 5: Find Instagram pages between 200k-800k with an engagement of over 3-5% on 9 latest posts. Make sure those pages are posted daily. Also, ask how long they will be doing promotions on their page. (lesser is better).

If possible, also look at the engagement on the other dropshipping products they did promotions for in the past (sometimes they leave the post forever on the page). This will help you judge those pages.

Step 6: Negotiate and finalize the deal with the influencer. Give them the images/videos and captions and a website link. Ask them to post on both Post & Story along with the link in the bio. (They might disagree, but you request them to offer these as a first-time purchase value from them).

Step 7: Wait For Sales To Happen!

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